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Malt-O-Meal® Hot

Malt-O-Meal Hot cereal

There’s nothing quite like a warm, hearty bowl of hot cereal to start your day strong. And for that, there’s delicious Malt-O-Meal® Hot cereal. It’s the ultimate comfort food, ready in minutes.

Hot breakfast cereal, like it should be

Find a flavor of Malt-O-Meal® Hot cereal you’ll love and a whole lot more.

Warm up with delicious flavor

From original, to chocolate, to maple and brown sugar, find a flavor to satisfy every tastebud.

A bowl of Malt-O-Meal Hot chocolate variety topped with berries

How to make Malt-O-Meal cereal—stove top directions:

  1. Add salt to water and to a boil.
  2. Stir in Malt-O-Meal® cereal gradually. Return to boiling while continuing to stir, then reduce heat to maintain a low boil.
  3. Cook 2.5 minutes or until thickened, stirring constantly.
  4. Serve hot with milk and your choice of toppings.

Find Malt-O-Meal Hot cereal near you

A warm and hearty bowl of hot cereal is waiting. Search the map to find Malt-O-Meal® Hot cereal at a nearby store.